Critical Stages |
28' -Action |
32' -Flood |
38' -Moderate Flood |
42' -Major Flood |
Forecast not available for this location. |
Observation history unavailable for thie location. |
Flood Impacts |
42.0 | Major Flood Stage.
General Urban Flood Damage to Drayton and its environs. |
39.0 | Rural road damages start. |
38.0 | Moderate Flood Stage. |
37.7 | Water begins to cross Highway 66. |
32.0 | Minor Flood Stage.
North Dakota approach to bridge starts to flood.
Agricultural Damage starts. |
28.0 | Forecast Service Stage.
Bankfull Stage. |
Historical Crests |
Low Water Records |
1) 45.55 ft on 04/24/1997
2) 43.66 ft on 04/28/1979
3) 42.90 ft on 04/10/2006
4) 42.41 ft on 04/25/1996
5) 42.40 ft on 04/01/1897
6) 42.15 ft on 04/08/1966
7) 41.66 ft on 04/09/1999
8) 41.58 ft on 05/12/1950
9) 41.35 ft on 04/23/1969
10) 41.33 ft on 04/19/2001
1) 1.80 ft on 10/16/1936
2) 12.10 ft on 10/13/1984
Data provided by NOAA Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service