Critical Stages |
18' -Action |
20' -Flood |
21' -Moderate Flood |
22' -Major Flood |
Forecast not available for this location. |
Observation history unavailable for thie location. |
Flood Impacts |
22.0 | Extensive flooding takes place affecting county roads and much farmland. Depending on the amount of runoff below the gage, the Lower Shell Creek basin may threaten Schuyler and Rogers. |
21.0 | The access road to the gage begins to flood. |
20.0 | Low banks located 200 feet upstream of the gage begin to flood rural lowlands. |
Historical Crests |
Low Water Records |
1) 22.76 ft on 06/17/1990
2) 22.15 ft on 02/20/1971
3) 22.11 ft on 05/20/1982
4) 21.73 ft on 07/10/1993
5) 21.70 ft on 06/02/1947
6) 21.53 ft on 03/09/1993
7) 21.38 ft on 06/03/1950
8) 21.20 ft on 06/02/1949
9) 21.15 ft on 03/25/1962
10) 21.10 ft on 07/20/1950
1) 0.00 ft on 07/27/1954
1) 0.00 ft on 07/17/1970
1) 0.00 ft on 09/01/1979
1) 0.00 ft on 10/12/1980
1) 0.00 ft on 12/22/1989
Data provided by NOAA Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service