Critical Stages |
7' -Action |
8' -Flood |
12' -Moderate Flood |
15' -Major Flood |
Forecast not available for this location. |
Observation history unavailable for thie location. |
Flood Impacts |
14.0 | All levees along the river are in danger of overtopping. |
12.0 | The Union Pacific tracks/levee are threatened with overtopping. |
10.0 | Homes and cabins along the sandpit lakes between the gage and town become threatened. The overflow channel may encroach upon the Union Pacific railroad tracks. |
8.0 | Rural overflows begin within reach of the gage, mainly pasture lands. |
Historical Crests |
Low Water Records |
1) 15.55 ft on 03/19/1978
2) 12.24 ft on 02/20/1971
3) 10.97 ft on 03/08/1993
4) 10.59 ft on 02/28/1985
5) 10.44 ft on 01/18/1980
6) 10.32 ft on 03/05/1994
7) 10.19 ft on 02/29/1972
8) 10.17 ft on 02/13/1952
9) 10.04 ft on 03/29/1960
10) 10.00 ft on 03/14/1979
1) 0.00 ft on 08/29/1955
1) 0.00 ft on 07/29/1974
1) 0.00 ft on 08/30/1976
1) 0.00 ft on 08/06/1980
1) 0.00 ft on 06/30/1988
Data provided by NOAA Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service