Critical Stages |
8' -Action |
9' -Flood |
17' -Moderate Flood |
18' -Major Flood |
Forecast not available for this location. |
Observation history unavailable for thie location. |
Flood Impacts |
18.0 | The Union Pacific railroad tracks which are upstream to Belgrade will flood. The north outskirts of Fullerton can flood. The main portion of Fullerton sits well above the flood plain and is not usually threatened. |
17.0 | Water flows over the intersections of state Highways 14 and 22 north of Fullerton. |
9.0 | Water overflows the west bank of the river which is agricultural land. Water threatens two county roads...the Belgrade Road and the Bottom Road. |
Historical Crests |
Low Water Records |
1) 16.90 ft on 08/13/1966
2) 13.75 ft on 03/28/1960
3) 11.83 ft on 03/14/1978
4) 11.64 ft on 07/19/1950
5) 11.43 ft on 07/23/1993
6) 11.40 ft on 02/28/1948
7) 11.38 ft on 06/25/1969
8) 11.07 ft on 02/19/1971
9) 11.02 ft on 08/05/1981
10) 10.75 ft on 05/26/1964
Historical low water information is not available.
Data provided by NOAA Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service