Critical Stages |
9' -Action |
10' -Flood |
14' -Moderate Flood |
16' -Major Flood |
Forecast not available for this location. |
Observation history unavailable for thie location. |
Flood Impacts |
15.8 | County roads are closed, 3 houses cut off, per Emergency Manager. |
11.5 | Overflow occurs on left bank. |
10.0 | Water begins backing up into ravines and gets to top of road by gage. |
9.3 | Creek out of banks in low spots north and west of gage. Water level just below top of culverts. |
Historical Crests |
Low Water Records |
1) 16.76 ft on 04/12/1969
2) 16.10 ft on 04/23/1979
3) 15.94 ft on 04/04/1976
4) 15.90 ft on 04/17/1974
5) 15.77 ft on 07/11/2005
6) 15.54 ft on 04/29/1975
7) 15.22 ft on 04/11/1999
8) 14.88 ft on 04/14/1996
9) 14.80 ft on 05/10/1999
10) 14.79 ft on 03/27/1995
1) 4.50 ft on 01/01/1980
Data provided by NOAA Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service