Critical Stages |
51' -Action |
52' -Flood |
54' -Moderate Flood |
56' -Major Flood |
Forecast not available for this location. |
Observation history unavailable for thie location. |
Flood Impacts |
60.0 | Damage begins at farmers structures. Ditching on the left side of the river appears to be able to handle a significant amount of water. Water leaving the banks would most likely stay in this ditch. |
56.0 | Major flooding. |
55.5 | Widespread flooding west and north of town, many roads affected. |
55.0 | Secondary roads become covered with water. Farmers on the right side of the river, looking downstream will be affected, but little damage. Water bypasses gage at this height. |
54.0 | Flood problems begin, agricultural land and meadows affected. Moderate flood stage. |
53.0 | No significant flood problems. |
Historical Crests |
Low Water Records |
1) 56.70 ft on 04/01/1976
2) 56.50 ft on 04/22/1996
3) 55.71 ft on 04/26/1979
4) 55.68 ft on 04/22/1976
5) 55.50 ft on 03/29/1995
5) 55.50 ft on 03/29/1999
5) 55.50 ft on 05/23/1999
8) 55.40 ft on 04/03/1987
9) 55.20 ft on 04/03/2001
10) 54.80 ft on 03/27/1996
Historical low water information is not available.
Data provided by NOAA Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service