Critical Stages |
10' -Action |
11' -Flood |
12' -Moderate Flood |
14' -Major Flood |
Forecast not available for this location. |
Observation history unavailable for thie location. |
Flood Impacts |
11.5 | Water begins crossing the road several hundred feet to the left of the bridge. No towns or major roads are flooded. |
11.0 | Flood waters affect farmland or wooded areas in refuge. Due to relative flatness of the area within reach of the gage, a rather large area becomes flooded. Damage is to crops and farm buildings. |
9.0 | River flow no longer confined to one channel. Flow begins in channel 2 miles west and through various culverts that may be blocked in winter months. |
7.0 | Right bank with heavy trees and brush subject to overflow. |
Historical Crests |
Low Water Records |
1) 14.59 ft on 04/23/1976
2) 13.90 ft on 05/25/1975
3) 13.80 ft on 05/04/1969
4) 13.76 ft on 04/13/1949
5) 13.62 ft on 05/17/1979
6) 13.34 ft on 03/30/1995
7) 13.29 ft on 05/22/1974
8) 13.23 ft on 05/22/1970
9) 13.14 ft on 04/03/1999
10) 13.08 ft on 04/11/1997
1) 0.70 ft on 01/01/1980
Data provided by NOAA Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service