Critical Stages |
15' -Action |
17' -Flood |
19' -Moderate Flood |
21' -Major Flood |
Forecast not available for this location. |
Observation history unavailable for thie location. |
Flood Impacts |
22.0 | Highway 92 bridge bottom reached. |
21.0 | Much of Hereford impacted by flood waters. At this stage in the October 2000 flood, the Hereford bridge was overtopped and town of Hereford was evacuated. |
19.0 | Hereford bridge approaches flood. |
17.0 | Low-lying portions of Hereford begin to flood including parking lot on east side of Hereford bridge. |
Historical Crests |
Low Water Records |
1) 23.90 ft on 09/28/1926
2) 18.88 ft on 10/23/2000
3) 18.25 ft on 07/31/2006
4) 16.45 ft on 08/14/1940
5) 16.04 ft on 10/09/1977
6) 15.10 ft on 08/07/2000
7) 14.52 ft on 01/19/1993
8) 14.21 ft on 11/12/1994
9) 14.14 ft on 12/28/1984
10) 13.88 ft on 01/18/1979
Historical low water information is not available.
Data provided by NOAA Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service