Critical Stages |
9' -Action |
11' -Flood |
13' -Moderate Flood |
15' -Major Flood |
Forecast not available for this location. |
Observation history unavailable for thie location. |
Flood Impacts |
15.0 | Sections of soil-cement protection will be overtopped. Widespread flooding of homes and businesses near the river will occur. |
13.0 | Silverbell Road is threatened between Camino del Cerro and Ina Road. Historically, bridge abutments have been damaged from Valencia Road to Cortaro Road. |
12.0 | Backups into the West Branch of the Santa Cruz River threaten homes along Mission Road between 22nd St. and Ajo Way. |
11.0 | Significant bank erosion begins in Gethsemanie Park, Christopher Columbus Park, and the Silverbell Golf Course. Gravel pits near the Rillito River are also affected. |
9.0 | Parts of the Santa Cruz River Trail are inundated. |
Historical Crests |
Low Water Records |
1) 22.20 ft on 10/02/1983
2) 21.80 ft on 10/10/1977
3) 11.67 ft on 01/19/1993
4) 9.50 ft on 12/19/1978
5) 8.90 ft on 08/23/1988
6) 8.52 ft on 07/31/2006
7) 8.32 ft on 07/24/1990
8) 7.81 ft on 10/23/2000
9) 7.26 ft on 09/03/1996
10) 5.84 ft on 09/06/2002
1) 1.10 ft on 01/01/2000
Data provided by NOAA Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service