Critical Stages |
12' -Action |
21' -Flood |
24.5' -Moderate Flood |
28' -Major Flood |
Forecast not available for this location. |
Observation history unavailable for thie location. |
Flood Impacts |
28.0 | Excess overflow of water has damaged some sewer and water mains in the city of Oceanside. The Lilac Road Bridge on the Pala Indian Reservation has likely washed out. The Rincon Casino has been evacuated. Approaches to upstream crossings are likely damaged or washed out. North River Road has likely been undermined in Oceanside. The retainaing wall protecting homes in the Rancho Viejo project upstream from Oceanside is likely compromised. Pala Casino is at risk with possible evacuations. |
24.5 | Extent of damage unknown. It is possible that the approaches to several of the upstream crossings will be damaged or washed out. The Lilac Road Bridge on the Pala Indian Reservation is likely impassable. Undermining of North River Road in Oceanside is possible. Undermining of the retaining wall protecting homes in the Rancho Viejo project is possible. Businesses in the flood plain not protected by the levee are at risk of innundation, including the Pala Casino parking areas and the Rincon Casino itself. |
21.0 | Approaches to upstream bridges including Camino Del Rey, Shearer Crossing, and Couser Canyon, among others, are threatened and possibly damaged. The Lilac Road Bridge on the Pala Reservation is at risk. |
Historical Crests |
Low Water Records |
1) 21.70 ft on 01/16/1993
2) 20.70 ft on 01/11/2005
3) 19.97 ft on 03/06/1995
4) 19.25 ft on 01/10/2005
5) 18.60 ft on 03/28/1979
6) 17.17 ft on 03/01/1991
7) 14.99 ft on 02/15/1986
8) 14.23 ft on 03/03/1983
9) 14.00 ft on 02/21/1980
10) 12.00 ft on 02/07/1937
1) 1.50 ft on 07/31/1999
Data provided by NOAA Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service