Critical Stages |
Action |
16' -Flood |
18' -Moderate Flood |
19' -Major Flood |
Forecast not available for this location. |
Observation history unavailable for thie location. |
Flood Impacts |
19.0 | Significant flows are occurring along the entire reach of the river, with flooding of adjacent farm lands north of Victorville. The levees are threatened in the more densely populated areas of Hesperia, Victorville, and Helendale, with overtopping possible in areas where vegetation or debris chokes the channel. |
18.0 | Significant flows have likely reached Helendale and points to the north, with farm lands in the river bed and adjacent areas north of Victorville inundated. Rock Springs Road in Hesperia is in danger of washing out. Some erosion of the levees can be expected in Victorville and Helendale. |
16.0 | Significant flows reach farming areas north of Victorville. Minor flooding of farmland adjacent to the river bed can be expected in Oro Grande. Some local erosion to the levees in Hesperia and Victorville is possible. Rock Springs Road has been overtopped and closed to traffic in Hesperia. |
Historical Crests |
Low Water Records |
1) 33.70 ft on 03/02/1938
2) 21.45 ft on 03/01/1983
3) 19.25 ft on 02/24/1998
4) 18.06 ft on 02/16/1980
5) 14.60 ft on 12/29/1965
6) 14.55 ft on 01/11/2005
7) 13.00 ft on 01/23/1943
8) 12.80 ft on 02/25/1969
9) 7.85 ft on 02/08/1993
1) 9.90 ft on 12/14/2005
Data provided by NOAA Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service