Critical Stages |
20' -Action |
23' -Flood |
27' -Moderate Flood |
30' -Major Flood |
Forecast not available for this location. |
Observation history unavailable for thie location. |
Flood Impacts |
29.0 | Widespread major flooding occurs throughout downtown Ottawa. |
27.0 | Flooding worsens on the south side of Ottawa, with water on several roads. Flooding also begins in other areas of Ottawa. |
26.6 | Flood water begins to hit the bottom of the bridge at the gage site. |
25.0 | Flooding begins along south Walnut and west Second Streets on the south side of Ottawa. |
23.0 | Lowland flooding occurs mainly in south Ottawa. Flood water also gets into low farmlands. |
Historical Crests |
Low Water Records |
1) 33.30 ft on 03/13/1913
2) 31.70 ft on 08/23/2007
3) 29.75 ft on 06/15/1981
4) 29.72 ft on 02/11/1959
5) 28.40 ft on 06/02/1997
6) 27.25 ft on 01/13/2005
7) 27.09 ft on 01/07/2007
8) 26.65 ft on 03/13/1982
9) 26.51 ft on 12/31/1990
10) 26.50 ft on 12/03/2006
Historical low water information is not available.
Data provided by NOAA Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service