Critical Stages |
11' -Action |
13' -Flood |
16' -Moderate Flood |
20' -Major Flood |
Forecast not available for this location. |
Observation history unavailable for thie location. |
Flood Impacts |
21.4 | Flood water begins to hit the bottom of the bridge at the gage site. |
20.0 | A major flood is in progress. Extensive inundation and damage of property can be expected. Many primary roads and bridges will be closed and numerous evacuations will be necessary. |
16.0 | Moderate flooding begins along the Auglaize River with secondary roads and agricultural lands as well as homes nearest the river being affected by flood waters. Some evacuations of people and property may be necessary. |
13.0 | Minor flooding begins in the northwest Ohio counties of northwest Allen, northeast Van Wert, and southwest Putnam. Farm land nearest the Auglaize river will be affected by flood water. |
Historical Crests |
Low Water Records |
1) 20.30 ft on 01/23/1959
2) 19.07 ft on 02/11/1959
3) 17.23 ft on 01/13/2005
4) 17.19 ft on 03/17/1978
5) 17.03 ft on 01/23/1999
6) 17.00 ft on 03/21/1927
7) 16.60 ft on 01/15/1930
8) 16.40 ft on 05/18/1943
9) 16.00 ft on 06/19/1945
10) 15.96 ft on 01/28/1962
1) 1.70 ft on 04/29/2003
Data provided by NOAA Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service