Critical Stages |
27' -Action |
29' -Flood |
30' -Moderate Flood |
33' -Major Flood |
Forecast not available for this location. |
Observation history unavailable for thie location. |
Flood Impacts |
33.5 | Massive flooding would be present along most of the reach of the Missouri River from Blair downstream. Since the addition of dams upstream, its highly unlikely that these levels would ever be reached. |
30.0 | The federal levees are overtopped at this level. |
29.0 | Fort Calhoun Nuclear Power Plant considers this to be an emergency situation. |
27.0 | Overflows of both banks cause the lowlands to flood. |
25.4 | The parking lot at Fort Calhoun Nuclear Power Plant floods. |
Historical Crests |
Low Water Records |
1) 33.50 ft on 04/17/1952
2) 31.80 ft on 04/27/1950
3) 31.40 ft on 04/12/1943
4) 31.20 ft on 04/13/1944
5) 30.00 ft on 06/30/1947
6) 27.57 ft on 07/10/1993
7) 27.53 ft on 12/17/1969
8) 27.48 ft on 06/27/1984
9) 27.00 ft on 07/18/1996
10) 26.82 ft on 02/19/1971
Historical low water information is not available.
Data provided by NOAA Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service