Critical Stages |
11' -Action |
15' -Flood |
17' -Moderate Flood |
19' -Major Flood |
Forecast not available for this location. |
Observation history unavailable for thie location. |
Flood Impacts |
19.0 | Extensive flooding of homes and streets in Overton. Evacuations necessary. |
17.0 | Some flooding of homes near the Muddy River and West Branch of the Muddy River in Overton. Some evacuations necessary. |
15.0 | Water overtops both river banks between Cooper and Lewis Streets in Overton. Extensive areas of standing water in low lying areas along with extensive flooding of Gubler and Cooper Streets. |
11.0 | Minor flooding of low water crossings at Gubler and Cooper Streets. |
Historical Crests |
Low Water Records |
1) 30.50 ft on 08/10/1981
2) 26.30 ft on 01/11/2005
3) 25.10 ft on 11/06/1960
4) 24.60 ft on 09/11/1998
5) 21.00 ft on 08/29/2000
6) 19.20 ft on 06/10/1990
7) 18.50 ft on 08/16/1990
7) 18.50 ft on 02/24/1998
9) 17.80 ft on 08/17/1977
9) 17.80 ft on 12/29/2004
1) 0.20 ft on 10/10/1997
Data provided by NOAA Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service