Critical Stages |
22' -Action |
22.9' -Flood |
23.4' -Moderate Flood |
24.9' -Major Flood |
Forecast not available for this location. |
Observation history unavailable for thie location. |
Flood Impacts |
24.9 | At 24.9 ft. the Virgin River will flood developments along the river especially near Bloomington Park and any structures within 300 ft. of the river. |
23.4 | At 23.4 ft. the Virgin River is expected to flood along the Bloomington area bordering the Virgin River. This includes Bloomington Park and developments along the area. |
22.9 | At 22.9 ft. the Virgin River is expected to flood the Bloomington Park area bordering the Virgin River near Bloomington. |
Historical Crests |
Low Water Records |
1) 25.70 ft on 01/01/1989
2) 25.30 ft on 03/05/1978
3) 22.30 ft on 02/15/1980
4) 18.00 ft on 08/13/2004
5) 11.72 ft on 03/06/1994
5) 11.72 ft on 03/06/1995
7) 9.62 ft on 09/11/1998
8) 9.58 ft on 01/03/1997
9) 9.45 ft on 11/01/1995
10) 8.81 ft on 08/15/2003
1) 0.00 ft on 08/22/1976
Data provided by NOAA Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service