Critical Stages |
9' -Action |
12' -Flood |
13' -Moderate Flood |
14' -Major Flood |
Forecast not available for this location. |
Observation history unavailable for thie location. |
Flood Impacts |
14.0 | Major flooding may occur outside the areas protected by the levee. |
13.0 | Residential flooding on the west side of town is possible. Street and storm sewer flooding on the east side of town south of the levee can cause basement flooding if flood stage is exceeded for an extended perioe of time. |
12.0 | Residential areas are threatened on the west edge of Decorah just before the levee protecting the town begins. Some agricultural flooding may also occur. |
Historical Crests |
Low Water Records |
1) 15.20 ft on 05/29/1941
2) 14.35 ft on 08/17/1993
3) 13.08 ft on 03/27/1961
4) 12.31 ft on 06/01/2000
5) 12.20 ft on 03/17/1945
6) 12.10 ft on 01/05/1946
7) 11.85 ft on 02/28/1948
8) 11.60 ft on 05/24/1914
9) 11.37 ft on 03/26/1950
10) 11.32 ft on 03/30/1962
1) 2.40 ft on 09/01/1989
2) 2.50 ft on 12/27/2003
Data provided by NOAA Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service