Critical Stages |
18' -Action |
20' -Flood |
23' -Moderate Flood |
27' -Major Flood |
Forecast not available for this location. |
Observation history unavailable for thie location. |
Flood Impacts |
33.7 | Ohio Universtity, route 33 in Athens, two eastern pump stations, the heating plant and Most of Athens are flooded. |
28.0 | Areas in Athens near the river and the College start to flood. Low areas south, southwest and east of Athens are flooded. |
26.0 | Areas in downtown Athens begin to flood. |
22.0 | East State Street in Athens and route 33 north of Nelsonville begins to flood. |
20.0 | Low areas and a campground and private camps along the river between Athens and Coolville begin to flood. |
Historical Crests |
Low Water Records |
1) 27.00 ft on 03/01/1907
2) 24.65 ft on 05/25/1968
3) 24.18 ft on 03/11/1964
4) 24.00 ft on 03/26/1913
5) 23.68 ft on 01/07/2005
6) 23.20 ft on 05/30/1990
7) 23.10 ft on 03/06/1963
8) 23.00 ft on 03/07/1945
9) 22.95 ft on 03/03/1997
10) 22.90 ft on 04/21/1940
1) 2.10 ft on 07/24/1967
1) 2.10 ft on 09/30/1969
3) 2.30 ft on 09/19/1966
3) 2.30 ft on 10/18/1967
5) 3.00 ft on 07/28/1999
Data provided by NOAA Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service