Critical Stages |
48' -Action |
50' -Flood |
52' -Moderate Flood |
56' -Major Flood |
Forecast not available for this location. |
Observation history unavailable for thie location. |
Flood Impacts |
67.9 | In Gallipolis, all of Front Street, Second, Third and Fourth Avenues are flooded. |
56.0 | The city of Gallipolis is surrounded by water. |
52.0 | Cultivated lands and low sections along the river on the West Virginia side of the river are flooded. |
50.0 | Sections of Route 7 and portions of Gallipolis Along the immediate river will flood. Also, bottom lands on the Ohio side of the river is flooded. |
49.0 | Sections of Route 7 in Ohio at Teens Run, Chickamauga Creek, Kyger Creek, Clay Chapel, Clay School and just above Route 218 start to flood. Also, sections of Route 2 in West Virginia at Jerrys Run, the old coast guard station and Glenwood start to flood. |
41.0 | The Spruce Street Chickamauga Creek Bridge is closed due to flooding of low areas around the bridge. |
Historical Crests |
Low Water Records |
1) 69.60 ft on 01/27/1937
2) 67.90 ft on 03/30/1913
3) 65.50 ft on 02/11/1884
4) 61.10 ft on 04/16/1948
5) 60.45 ft on 03/23/1936
6) 60.40 ft on 01/02/1943
7) 59.25 ft on 03/10/1945
8) 57.50 ft on 03/08/1955
9) 57.10 ft on 04/23/1940
10) 56.40 ft on 03/22/1933
1) 2.10 ft on 01/01/1906
2) 12.40 ft on 06/13/1999
Data provided by NOAA Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service