Critical Stages |
33' -Action |
35' -Flood |
38' -Moderate Flood |
40' -Major Flood |
Forecast not available for this location. |
Observation history unavailable for thie location. |
Flood Impacts |
42.0 | Most Business, homes and roads are flooded throughout Marietta at stages 42 feet and above.
On the West Virginia side, many areas are flooded near the Ohio River. |
41.0 | Several sections and business along Front, Greene, Hart, Butler and Second streets and Elemwood Avenue are flooded. Portions of Fifth, Buckley, Knox, Fair and Ohio streets are flooded.
On the West Side of Marietta, Market, Gillman, Maple and Groves streets are flooded.
On the West Virginia Side, Several roads are flooded. Some homes and business in low lying areas are flooded. |
40.0 | Major flooding is occuring. Wayne street at Eighth street, Greene street at Second, Seventh and Pike streets, Front street at Monroe street and at the Armory, Pennsylvania Avenue at Linwood street and at Eton street, Second street at Butler street, and Scammel street at Second and Third streets are all flooded. On the West Side, Harmar street at Maple and Pearl streets, and Market street at Fort Square are flooded.
On the West Virginia Side, Several areas and sections of Routes 14 and 31 are flooded. |
39.0 | Pike street at Lafayette, Greene at Third street, Jefferson street at East Eight street, Third street betwee Butler and church streets, and Second street at Wooster street are all flooded.
On the West Side of Marietta, Gilman Avenue at Market street is flooded.
On the West Virginia Side, Streets, Stores and Homes below Route 14, Route 14, and portions of Route 31 below the intersection of Routes 14 and 31 are flooded in Williamstown. |
38.0 | Elmwood Avenue at Ash, Hart, Pike and Charles streets at Seventh street, Church at Second street, Butler at fifth street, Ohio street at Second and Third streets are all flooded.
On the West Side of Marietta, Fort street at the Railroad overpass and Maple street at Fort Square are flooded.
On the West Virginia Side, portions of the CSX railroad tracks through Williamstown are flooded. |
37.0 | Hart street at Ash and fourth streets, Stark and Jefferson streets at Seventh street, Fourth street at Butler street, Second and Third streets at Church street, Spike streeet at Olney street, Lafayette and Wayne streets at Eighth street, Greene street at Fifth and Sixth streets are flooded.
On the West Side of Marietta, Gilman Avenue at Lancaster street is flooded. |
36.0 | Pike Street at the Entrance to Phillips Elementary School, Elmwood Avenue and Hart street start to flood. Eighth at Ohio and Stark streets start to flood. Second and Third streets between Green and Butler floods.
On the West Side of Marietta, Virginia Street and Gilman Avenue at the upper ramp to the Washington Street Bridgy are flooded. |
35.0 | Stark street at 7th street, Pike street at Wayne, Elmwood Avenue and Greene street at the center of Don Drumm Field are flooded.
On the West Side of Marietta, Virginia street at Browns Alley and Gilman Avenue at Wood street are flooded. |
Historical Crests |
Low Water Records |
1) 58.30 ft on 03/29/1913
2) 55.00 ft on 01/26/1937
3) 45.20 ft on 03/12/1964
4) 44.97 ft on 09/19/2004
5) 43.60 ft on 01/08/2005
6) 41.40 ft on 01/24/1959
7) 40.00 ft on 02/27/1979
8) 39.30 ft on 01/21/1996
9) 38.30 ft on 01/01/1991
10) 37.80 ft on 03/08/1967
Historical low water information is not available.
Data provided by NOAA Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service