Critical Stages |
22' -Action |
24' -Flood |
25' -Moderate Flood |
25.7' -Major Flood |
Forecast not available for this location. |
Observation history unavailable for thie location. |
Flood Impacts |
26.0 | The total channel width at the gage site, north of Albert, stretches to near 4000 feet. |
25.0 | Looking downstream, from 130 Avenue bridge, the road running parallel to Walnut Creek on the left bank begins to overflow. |
24.0 | Looking downstream, from 130 Avenue Bridge, the road that runs adjacent to Walnut Creek on the right bank begins to overflow. |
22.5 | Flooding of some agricultural lowlands begins. |
Historical Crests |
Low Water Records |
1) 25.75 ft on 09/22/1959
2) 25.20 ft on 07/25/1993
3) 24.94 ft on 03/23/1960
4) 24.76 ft on 08/14/1961
5) 24.57 ft on 09/14/1961
6) 24.47 ft on 04/16/1987
7) 24.44 ft on 04/03/1973
8) 23.76 ft on 05/02/1979
9) 23.59 ft on 06/16/1970
10) 23.44 ft on 10/12/1973
1) 0.50 ft on 10/12/1995
2) 2.80 ft on 08/01/2000
Data provided by NOAA Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service