Critical Stages |
27' -Action |
30' -Flood |
32' -Moderate Flood |
34' -Major Flood |
Forecast not available for this location. |
Observation history unavailable for thie location. |
Flood Impacts |
34.0 | Flood waters of two feet or more will inundate agricultural land up to a distance of 1/4 mile from the main river channel near the river gage near Burdett 7WNW. |
32.0 | Prepare for floodwaters to move onto agricultural land adjacent to the Pawnee River throughout most of eastern Hoddgeman county. |
30.0 | Expect minor overflows of the Pawnee River to occur on the first terrace immediately adjacent to the main river channel. |
27.0 | Expect low water road crossings along the Pawnee River to become impassable. DO NOT ATTEMPT to cross flooded roadways...turn around, dont drown! |
Historical Crests |
Low Water Records |
1) 27.38 ft on 07/21/1993
2) 26.21 ft on 07/02/2004
3) 19.11 ft on 09/18/2001
4) 14.81 ft on 07/28/2002
5) 12.05 ft on 08/08/1997
6) 10.80 ft on 07/05/2000
7) 10.07 ft on 07/17/1999
8) 7.26 ft on 07/31/1998
9) 6.89 ft on 08/21/2006
10) 3.17 ft on 10/04/2002
Historical low water information is not available.
Data provided by NOAA Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service