Critical Stages |
9' -Action |
10' -Flood |
14' -Moderate Flood |
18' -Major Flood |
Forecast not available for this location. |
Observation history unavailable for thie location. |
Flood Impacts |
18.0 | Flooding affecting low lying areas adjacent to the river will occur. Many roads will be inundated with flood water and become impassable. |
14.0 | Flooding to low lying areas ajacent to the river will occur. Roads and homes may experience flooding due to backwater. |
10.0 | Flooding to low lying areas ajacent to the river is possbile. Flooding to homes and agricultural lands is also possible. |
Historical Crests |
Low Water Records |
1) 36.46 ft on 06/09/1964
2) 19.42 ft on 06/20/1975
3) 13.01 ft on 05/20/1954
4) 12.40 ft on 05/23/1948
4) 12.40 ft on 05/19/1991
6) 12.07 ft on 11/12/1989
7) 11.96 ft on 05/17/1997
8) 11.60 ft on 06/18/1974
9) 11.28 ft on 05/22/1956
10) 10.99 ft on 03/02/1972
1) 1.10 ft on 01/21/1940
1) 1.10 ft on 12/16/1949
1) 1.10 ft on 01/03/1977
4) 0.00 ft on 11/27/1952
Data provided by NOAA Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service