Critical Stages |
17' -Action |
21' -Flood |
25' -Moderate Flood |
31' -Major Flood |
Forecast not available for this location. |
Observation history unavailable for thie location. |
Flood Impacts |
39.4 | flooding will exceed the highest flood on record |
31.0 | major flooding occurs |
25.0 | moderate flooding occurs |
21.5 | Sang Branch Road is under water at Red Lick Creek |
21.0 | low lying areas flood. Red Lick Road, Millers Creek, Dark Hollow Road and Highway 594 flood in several places |
Historical Crests |
Low Water Records |
1) 39.37 ft on 02/04/1939
2) 38.87 ft on 03/27/1913
3) 38.37 ft on 01/31/1957
4) 37.57 ft on 01/29/1918
4) 37.57 ft on 03/01/1972
4) 37.57 ft on 01/27/1978
7) 37.27 ft on 03/24/1929
8) 30.15 ft on 02/07/2004
9) 28.06 ft on 06/01/2004
10) 27.47 ft on 01/24/1937
Historical low water information is not available.
Data provided by NOAA Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service