Critical Stages |
23' -Action |
29' -Flood |
31' -Moderate Flood |
40' -Major Flood |
Forecast not available for this location. |
Observation history unavailable for thie location. |
Flood Impacts |
43.1 | flooding will exceed the highest flood on record. Large sections of the town are covered |
41.3 | many homes are inundated |
40.4 | cutoff channel begins to fill |
40.0 | major flooding. Some businesses are affected |
37.0 | traffic stopped on left side of bridge on KY 30 and 52 |
31.0 | moderate flooding. Evacuation of homes begins |
29.0 | low lying areas flood |
Historical Crests |
Low Water Records |
1) 41.97 ft on 05/08/1984
2) 41.28 ft on 02/02/1951
3) 40.55 ft on 02/14/1948
4) 40.41 ft on 01/30/1957
5) 38.80 ft on 01/08/1946
6) 37.99 ft on 02/28/1962
7) 37.34 ft on 02/28/1955
8) 37.32 ft on 02/17/2003
9) 37.17 ft on 03/13/1963
10) 36.64 ft on 03/14/1975
Historical low water information is not available.
Data provided by NOAA Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service