Critical Stages |
24' -Action |
30' -Flood |
Moderate Flood |
31' -Major Flood |
Forecast not available for this location. |
Observation history unavailable for thie location. |
Flood Impacts |
31.0 | the Puyallup will cause major flooding along the lower reaches of the river from Sumner downstream to the mouth. Swift waters will overtop levees and flood much of the Puyallup Valley. Overtopping is possible and erosion will likely damage levees. Flooding will occur all along the river including headwaters...tributaries...and other streams within and near the Puyallup River Basin. |
30.0 | the Puyallup will flood the lower reaches of the river from Sumner downstream to the mouth...overtopping and possibly damaging some levees. |
Historical Crests |
Low Water Records |
1) 34.15 ft on 12/18/1917
2) 32.03 ft on 01/23/1919
3) 31.84 ft on 12/22/1915
4) 31.20 ft on 03/10/1916
5) 29.93 ft on 12/30/1917
6) 29.77 ft on 02/09/1996
7) 29.12 ft on 11/19/1915
8) 28.69 ft on 11/07/2006
9) 28.12 ft on 12/13/1916
10) 28.04 ft on 01/09/1990
1) 8.20 ft on 09/25/1955
Data provided by NOAA Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service