Critical Stages |
13' -Action |
19' -Flood |
23' -Moderate Flood |
27' -Major Flood |
Forecast not available for this location. |
Observation history unavailable for thie location. |
Flood Impacts |
21.0 | Flooding along reach of river including in and around Paso Robles. Flooding threatens Paso Robles wastewater treatment plant and downtown. |
19.0 | Flooding in and around Atascadero. Backs up Atascadero Creek into River Gardens neighborhood, floods Highway 41. Erosion threats along entire reach, threatens homes on banks, agricultural land, low-lying areas South of Highway 41 bridge. |
13.0 | Halcon Road floods and washes out. |
Historical Crests |
Low Water Records |
1) 23.80 ft on 01/25/1969
2) 22.99 ft on 03/10/1995
3) 18.80 ft on 01/14/1993
4) 18.79 ft on 01/10/1995
5) 16.52 ft on 01/24/1995
6) 15.99 ft on 02/16/1980
7) 15.08 ft on 02/07/1998
8) 14.17 ft on 03/23/1995
8) 14.17 ft on 03/05/2001
10) 13.47 ft on 02/03/1998
1) 3.90 ft on 10/01/1969
Data provided by NOAA Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service