Critical Stages |
469' -Action |
471' -Flood |
472.9' -Moderate Flood |
478.5' -Major Flood |
Forecast not available for this location. |
Observation history unavailable for thie location. |
Flood Impacts |
476.9 | Water reaches the top of Mason, Menard Special, and Oakford levees. |
472.9 | Flooding begins to some residences in Chandlerville. |
471.0 | Flooding begins to agricultural areas not protected by levees. |
Historical Crests |
Low Water Records |
1) 0.00 ft on 01/07/1993
2) 478.51 ft on 05/20/1943
3) 476.90 ft on 04/15/1979
4) 476.54 ft on 05/15/2002
5) 476.53 ft on 12/05/1982
6) 475.99 ft on 04/15/1994
7) 475.00 ft on 01/15/2005
8) 474.64 ft on 06/25/1974
9) 474.46 ft on 04/25/1973
10) 473.80 ft on 04/26/1944
Historical low water information is not available.
Data provided by NOAA Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service