Critical Stages |
6' -Action |
8' -Flood |
10' -Moderate Flood |
12' -Major Flood |
Forecast not available for this location. |
Observation history unavailable for thie location. |
Flood Impacts |
12.0 | Considerable flooding of pastureland occurs with greatest extent over the pastureland adjacent to left upstream and right downstream banks. |
10.0 | Considerable flooding occurs along the right upstream bank and left downstream bank. Minor flooding occurs along right downstream bank where overflow occurs at 9.0 ft. |
8.0 | Minor flooding occurs along the right upstream bank affecting pastureland and along left downstream bank. |
Historical Crests |
Low Water Records |
1) 12.84 ft on 10/31/1979
2) 11.93 ft on 10/11/1973
3) 11.87 ft on 06/26/1957
4) 11.86 ft on 05/16/1957
5) 11.25 ft on 06/11/1970
6) 11.09 ft on 10/31/1998
7) 10.60 ft on 10/10/1985
8) 10.56 ft on 05/27/1995
9) 10.42 ft on 10/30/1979
10) 10.38 ft on 10/16/1968
1) 3.90 ft on 07/18/2006
Data provided by NOAA Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service