Critical Stages |
8' -Action |
8.5' -Flood |
9' -Moderate Flood |
10' -Major Flood |
Forecast not available for this location. |
Observation history unavailable for thie location. |
Flood Impacts |
9.1 | Roads to Mill Creek, Cinnebar Basin and Trail Creek are covered with water. Water will also be over portions of Yellowstone Park Road for 800 yards, 3.5 miles south of town, including a few farm homes. Flooding over the road to 9th Street Island with water reaching some homes. |
8.5 | Some minor overflow occurs along the lowest areas throughout the reach of the river and across the road connecting the island with the rest of town. |
Historical Crests |
Low Water Records |
1) 10.72 ft on 06/06/1997
2) 9.97 ft on 06/10/1996
3) 9.46 ft on 06/01/2003
4) 9.34 ft on 06/20/1943
5) 9.21 ft on 06/17/1974
6) 9.10 ft on 06/04/1948
7) 8.81 ft on 06/02/2002
8) 8.80 ft on 05/21/2006
9) 8.67 ft on 06/22/1999
10) 8.62 ft on 06/29/1982
1) 0.30 ft on 01/22/1940
1) 0.30 ft on 03/24/1964
3) 0.40 ft on 01/01/1905
3) 0.40 ft on 01/01/1950
3) 0.40 ft on 01/01/1952
Data provided by NOAA Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service