Critical Stages |
13' -Action |
15' -Flood |
17' -Moderate Flood |
18.5' -Major Flood |
Forecast not available for this location. |
Observation history unavailable for thie location. |
Flood Impacts |
26.0 | Record flooding will occur in the Village of Killbuck and throughout the valley. This is a very dangerous situation. |
22.0 | Severe flooding will occur in the Village of Killbuck and throughout the valley. Flood waters may begin to back up onto I-71 near Burbank. |
17.0 | Extensive flooding occurs in the Village of Killbuck. Many secondary roads are closed in the Killbuck Valley. |
16.0 | Flooding begins in lowlying areas west of Water Street in the Village of Killbuck. |
Historical Crests |
Low Water Records |
1) 26.40 ft on 07/05/1969
2) 21.77 ft on 08/07/1935
3) 21.75 ft on 01/22/1959
4) 19.11 ft on 03/10/1964
5) 18.51 ft on 09/16/1979
6) 18.27 ft on 03/05/1963
7) 18.17 ft on 01/06/2005
8) 17.35 ft on 06/17/1946
9) 17.21 ft on 06/08/1947
10) 17.20 ft on 01/25/1937
1) 4.90 ft on 09/06/1966
2) 5.00 ft on 10/14/1966
3) 5.30 ft on 09/17/1970
Data provided by NOAA Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service