Critical Stages |
882' -Action |
884' -Flood |
886' -Moderate Flood |
891' -Major Flood |
Forecast not available for this location. |
Observation history unavailable for thie location. |
Flood Impacts |
893.5 | Rivertree subdivision protected to this height by dike at Rivertree park. |
891.8 | Close county RoaD 22 and Riverton Drive.. |
891.0 | Major Flood Stage |
890.6 | I-29 south of Harwood flooded by Sheyenne river. |
886.0 | Moderate Flood Stage |
884.0 | Flood Warning Stage.
884 to 890 Sealing of culverts and low openings in flood barrier. |
883.0 | Forecast Service Stage |
882.0 | Forecast Service stage. |
Historical Crests |
Low Water Records |
1) 892.02 ft on 04/10/1997
2) 891.50 ft on 01/01/1993
3) 891.35 ft on 04/03/2006
4) 891.30 ft on 04/10/2001
5) 890.70 ft on 04/05/1989
6) 890.43 ft on 06/24/2000
7) 887.50 ft on 03/30/1999
8) 886.90 ft on 02/28/1998
9) 884.10 ft on 05/17/1998
1) 0.00 ft on 01/11/1911
Data provided by NOAA Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service