Critical Stages |
11' -Action |
14' -Flood |
16' -Moderate Flood |
18' -Major Flood |
Forecast not available for this location. |
Observation history unavailable for thie location. |
Flood Impacts |
21.0 | This water level is near a record flood. |
18.0 | This level has not been exceeded since Cecil Hardin Reservoir went into operation on December 6, 1960. |
15.0 | Extensive flooding of lowlands occurs. Numerous county roads flood. |
11.0 | County road near gage begins to flood. |
Historical Crests |
Low Water Records |
1) 21.13 ft on 06/28/1957
2) 17.76 ft on 12/22/1967
3) 15.12 ft on 08/17/1993
4) 15.09 ft on 01/27/1962
5) 15.07 ft on 11/14/1993
6) 14.99 ft on 06/23/1960
7) 14.98 ft on 12/20/1957
8) 14.55 ft on 04/21/1964
9) 14.44 ft on 04/29/1996
10) 14.11 ft on 05/28/1996
11) 14.10 ft on 02/27/1997
12) 14.09 ft on 01/15/2007
13) 14.06 ft on 07/29/1979
14) 14.05 ft on 01/21/1959
15) 13.55 ft on 01/30/1969
16) 13.54 ft on 11/02/1972
17) 13.52 ft on 12/25/1982
18) 13.47 ft on 12/09/1966
19) 13.37 ft on 12/15/1971
20) 13.30 ft on 05/19/1981
Historical low water information is not available.
Data provided by NOAA Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service