Critical Stages |
14' -Action |
16' -Flood |
19' -Moderate Flood |
28' -Major Flood |
Forecast not available for this location. |
Observation history unavailable for thie location. |
Flood Impacts |
31.0 | This is the record flood level reached on April 12, 1994. |
28.0 | Major flooding begins at the gage site. |
27.0 | Flood waters affect fields along the left bank, at the gage site. |
20.0 | Flood waters affect low lying areas, and farmland along Highway N, and between W and Caplinger Mills along the Sac River Basin. In addition, Cedar Creek, a tributary of the Sac River, backwaters and becomes impassable along Highway 39, south of Cedar Springs. |
19.0 | Moderate flooding begins at the gage site. |
16.0 | Minor flooding begins near the gage site, and the campground at Caplinger Mills begins to flood. |
Historical Crests |
Low Water Records |
1) 30.95 ft on 04/12/1994
2) 30.00 ft on 10/02/1986
3) 29.93 ft on 09/25/1993
4) 29.00 ft on 10/06/1998
5) 28.15 ft on 02/23/1985
6) 26.10 ft on 07/02/2007
7) 25.99 ft on 11/04/1974
8) 25.79 ft on 05/23/1989
9) 25.48 ft on 06/11/1995
10) 24.95 ft on 01/06/2005
Historical low water information is not available.
Data provided by NOAA Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service