Critical Stages |
11' -Action |
13' -Flood |
15' -Moderate Flood |
17' -Major Flood |
Forecast not available for this location. |
Observation history unavailable for thie location. |
Flood Impacts |
19.0 | Prepare for near-record flooding of 6 feet or more along the Saline river lowlands in northern Trego and Ellis counties as the river moves well out of its channel onto the floodplain. Flooding will be comparable to that last seen on June 17, 1957, when the Saline River near Wakeeney crested at 19.2 feet. |
17.0 | Expect major flooding of 4 feet or more along the Saline river lowlands in northern Trego and Ellis Counties. Some roads along the Saline river will be impassable. Basement flooding may occur in some houses along the Saline river in these counties. |
15.0 | Expect moderate lowland flooding along the Saline river throughout northern Trego and Ellis counties. Flood depths may reach 2 feet or more as the river nears its crest. Some roads and bridge approaches near the river will be impassable. |
13.0 | Expect minor flooding of farmland and pastureland adjacent to the Saline river in northern Trego and Ellis counties. |
Historical Crests |
Low Water Records |
1) 19.40 ft on 06/17/1957
2) 18.95 ft on 07/02/1962
3) 17.72 ft on 08/18/1961
4) 17.20 ft on 05/30/1956
5) 16.72 ft on 05/16/1960
6) 16.20 ft on 09/18/1995
7) 13.08 ft on 07/09/1993
8) 11.22 ft on 05/17/1958
9) 10.89 ft on 07/07/1965
10) 10.53 ft on 08/02/1999
1) 1.20 ft on 10/01/1981
2) 1.70 ft on 07/06/2003
Data provided by NOAA Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service