Critical Stages |
18' -Action |
20' -Flood |
25' -Moderate Flood |
30' -Major Flood |
Forecast not available for this location. |
Observation history unavailable for thie location. |
Flood Impacts |
35.0 | Record flood that was reached on August 01, 1915. |
30.0 | Major flooding begins at the gage site. |
25.0 | Moderate flooding begins near the gage site. |
20.0 | Minor flooding begins near the gage site. In addition, flood waters begin to impact a local park and boat launch area at the gage site. |
8.0 | State Highway H Bridge, upstream from the forecast point, on the North Fork of the White River, becomes impassable. It mainly affects local residences and recreational businesses that have canoe rental places on the river. This is considered a low water bridge for this area. |
Historical Crests |
Low Water Records |
1) 35.00 ft on 08/01/1915
2) 28.10 ft on 11/19/1985
3) 26.28 ft on 02/23/1985
4) 24.59 ft on 11/14/1993
5) 22.60 ft on 09/25/1993
6) 22.30 ft on 05/08/2002
7) 22.15 ft on 04/22/1974
8) 19.33 ft on 01/30/1969
9) 19.05 ft on 02/10/1966
10) 18.05 ft on 01/04/1950
Historical low water information is not available.
Data provided by NOAA Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service