Critical Stages |
12' -Action |
14' -Flood |
15' -Moderate Flood |
17' -Major Flood |
Forecast not available for this location. |
Observation history unavailable for thie location. |
Flood Impacts |
18.5 | The St Paul downtown airport may close due to high water. |
18.0 | Warner Road may become impassable due to high water. |
17.5 | Harriet Island begins to become submerged. |
14.0 | Portions of the Lillydale residential area begin to experience flooding. |
Historical Crests |
Low Water Records |
1) 26.01 ft on 04/16/1965
2) 24.52 ft on 04/15/1969
3) 23.76 ft on 04/18/2001
4) 23.60 ft on 04/30/2001
5) 22.37 ft on 04/13/1997
6) 22.02 ft on 04/16/1952
7) 19.15 ft on 06/26/1993
8) 18.79 ft on 04/16/1951
9) 16.68 ft on 06/29/1957
10) 16.10 ft on 05/16/1986
1) 2.70 ft on 01/20/1976
Data provided by NOAA Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service