Critical Stages |
18' -Action |
19' -Flood |
21' -Moderate Flood |
22' -Major Flood |
Forecast not available for this location. |
Observation history unavailable for thie location. |
Flood Impacts |
22.0 | Flooding affects buildings in the town of St. Regis inundating roads and isolating homes. |
21.0 | Flooding affects low lying areas adjacent to the confluence of the Clark Fork and St. Regis Rivers. |
20.0 | Flooding affects low lying areas adjacent to the river. |
Historical Crests |
Low Water Records |
1) 20.27 ft on 05/18/1997
2) 19.96 ft on 05/24/1948
3) 19.50 ft on 06/03/1972
4) 19.39 ft on 06/18/1974
5) 19.20 ft on 05/30/1913
6) 18.98 ft on 05/24/1956
7) 18.54 ft on 06/10/1964
8) 18.50 ft on 05/29/1917
9) 18.21 ft on 06/21/1975
10) 18.07 ft on 05/16/1976
1) 2.70 ft on 02/08/1933
2) 3.30 ft on 01/04/1937
2) 3.30 ft on 02/01/1938
2) 3.30 ft on 02/03/1989
5) 3.40 ft on 12/17/1940
Data provided by NOAA Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service