Critical Stages |
19' -Action |
25' -Flood |
26' -Moderate Flood |
28' -Major Flood |
Forecast not available for this location. |
Observation history unavailable for thie location. |
Flood Impacts |
25.0 | Flooding may be occuring downstream in Ontonagon...especially during above normal lake levels or ice coverage near the mouth of the river |
17.0 | *** FLOOD STAGE *** Little is known about flood damages at this point. |
Historical Crests |
Low Water Records |
1) 28.60 ft on 08/22/1942
2) 21.01 ft on 04/11/1965
3) 20.90 ft on 05/12/2003
4) 20.82 ft on 04/24/1960
5) 20.68 ft on 03/16/1966
6) 20.34 ft on 04/17/2002
7) 20.12 ft on 04/01/1986
8) 19.80 ft on 07/03/1992
9) 19.48 ft on 03/27/1961
10) 18.81 ft on 04/01/1963
1) 3.00 ft on 08/13/1991
Data provided by NOAA Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service