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Angler Guide's River & Stream Flows for Penns Creek Penns Creek PA -
River & Stream Stages, Flows for Penns Creek, at Penns Creek PA
Observation history unavailable for thie location.
Flood Impacts
Widespread flooding occurs on both banks with many homes affected.
Significant overflow of both banks occurs. Numerous homes are affected by high water levels.
High water overflows both banks. Several homes and cottages on the left or north bank are affecged. Many secondary roads along the creek are closed due to high water levels.
The left...or north bank overflows downstream of the Route 104 bridge. A campground is affected. A number of secondary roads in the Penns Creek drainage are affected by high water.
Historical Crests
Low Water Records
1) 14.85 ft on 06/23/1972
2) 13.74 ft on 01/19/1996
3) 13.00 ft on 09/16/1934
3) 13.00 ft on 02/26/1979
5) 12.19 ft on 09/18/2004
6) 12.12 ft on 03/18/1936
7) 11.73 ft on 02/15/1984
8) 11.62 ft on 11/25/1950
9) 11.61 ft on 03/31/1940
10) 11.00 ft on 08/24/1933
1) 1.00 ft on 08/08/1965
1) 1.00 ft on 09/03/1966
1) 1.00 ft on 11/22/1984
4) 1.20 ft on 10/29/1985
5) 1.30 ft on 10/15/1988