Critical Stages |
16' -Action |
17' -Flood |
20' -Moderate Flood |
22' -Major Flood |
Forecast not available for this location. |
Observation history unavailable for thie location. |
Flood Impacts |
20.0 | Lowland flooding will continue. Nearby roads in the area will become impassable. |
17.0 | Water will overflow the top of the county bridge...and could possibly wash out the bridge. Water will also
begin to overflow the bridge that is three miles south of the gage. Lowland areas will be flooded. |
Historical Crests |
Low Water Records |
1) 17.46 ft on 06/23/1996
2) 14.94 ft on 06/20/1996
3) 14.72 ft on 08/09/1996
4) 14.50 ft on 08/07/1996
5) 11.20 ft on 08/01/1998
6) 8.01 ft on 08/03/1999
7) 7.48 ft on 08/17/2005
8) 6.73 ft on 07/22/2000
9) 6.58 ft on 09/18/1997
10) 6.10 ft on 06/18/2003
1) 4.00 ft on 10/01/1996
2) 5.50 ft on 07/27/1995
Data provided by NOAA Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service