Critical Stages |
9' -Action |
10' -Flood |
12' -Moderate Flood |
Major Flood |
Forecast not available for this location. |
Observation history unavailable for thie location. |
Flood Impacts |
11.7 | RECORD STAGE. |
11.1 | Flows in excess of 30,000 cfs can cause substantial erosional damage to the levee system. Levee repair begins to overwhelm available resources. Extended periods of flow at this level seriously threatens low-lying property in the Snake River Plain below Jackson Lake. |
10.8 | Minor damage to levee structures between Jackson lake and the gage site begin to have minor problems. 24 hour monitoring and levee repain are ongoing at these flows. |
10.5 | Snake River begins to cause flooding near the Bridger-Teton National Forest Cottonwood Work Center. Cabins and garages begin to flood and escape routes start to be cut off. |
10.0 | FLOOD STAGE. |
Historical Crests |
Low Water Records |
1) 11.66 ft on 06/11/1997
2) 10.22 ft on 06/06/1986
3) 10.12 ft on 06/11/1996
4) 9.25 ft on 06/29/1982
5) 9.16 ft on 06/18/1999
6) 9.11 ft on 06/01/1984
7) 8.99 ft on 06/10/1981
8) 8.95 ft on 05/30/1983
9) 8.64 ft on 06/10/1978
10) 8.33 ft on 06/07/1995
Historical low water information is not available.
Data provided by NOAA Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service