Critical Stages |
28' -Action |
30' -Flood |
47.6' -Moderate Flood |
53' -Major Flood |
Forecast not available for this location. |
Observation history unavailable for thie location. |
Flood Impacts |
53.0 | The leeve becomes breached on the left bank from Railroad Street to Pine Street. |
47.6 | Extensive flooding will occur with some roads especially on Highway 160...1/2 mile east of Independence. Water covers the road for about 2 blocks eastward. Also parts of Highway 75 heading north of the city to Highway 400 near Sycamore become flooded and will be closed. Approximately 20 blocks of houses flood along Rock Creek. |
47.0 | Highway 160 just east of Independence begins to flood. |
45.0 | Overflows begin on Highway 160 just east of Independence and on Highway 75 north of Independence. The railroad, east towards Parsons floods. |
36.0 | Some flooding of low lying areas and bottom land can be expected. |
Historical Crests |
Low Water Records |
1) 52.40 ft on 07/01/2007
2) 47.60 ft on 05/19/1943
3) 47.28 ft on 04/17/1945
4) 47.03 ft on 05/06/1961
5) 47.00 ft on 09/04/1986
6) 46.79 ft on 10/04/1986
7) 46.59 ft on 07/01/1951
8) 44.80 ft on 05/30/1935
9) 44.40 ft on 07/13/1951
10) 43.70 ft on 04/24/1944
Historical low water information is not available.
Data provided by NOAA Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service