Critical Stages |
19' -Action |
21' -Flood |
24' -Moderate Flood |
25' -Major Flood |
Forecast not available for this location. |
Observation history unavailable for thie location. |
Flood Impacts |
27.0 | Railroad tracks at south end of Hazen will be topped by flood waters. |
25.0 | Town of Beulah will become flooded, mainly south of railroad tracks. City of Hazen suffers little damage. |
24.0 | Secondary gravel roads will flood. Damage to cropland mostly south of the river. |
Historical Crests |
Low Water Records |
1) 27.01 ft on 06/24/1966
2) 26.92 ft on 03/23/1997
3) 26.30 ft on 03/26/1943
4) 26.17 ft on 03/15/1972
5) 25.93 ft on 04/17/1950
6) 25.83 ft on 04/07/1952
7) 25.36 ft on 03/30/1951
8) 25.14 ft on 03/31/1982
9) 25.10 ft on 03/27/1978
10) 24.94 ft on 03/28/1978
1) 0.50 ft on 01/21/1933
Data provided by NOAA Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service