Critical Stages |
20' -Action |
23' -Flood |
27' -Moderate Flood |
29' -Major Flood |
Forecast not available for this location. |
Observation history unavailable for thie location. |
Flood Impacts |
30.0 | Major to disastrous flooding along the reach of the gage occurs. Major flooding occurs in the agricultural sections of Alexander Valley. |
29.0 | Major flooding along the reach of the gage will occur. Homes...businesses and secondary roads in the lower sections of Healdsburg will begin to flood. The lower areas of Alexander Valley will begin to flood. |
27.0 | Moderate flooding along the reach of the gage will occur. Some secondary roads south of US 101 will have minor to moderate flooding. |
25.0 | Low lying areas south of US 101 begin to have minor flooding. |
23.0 | Minor flooding of farm land and banks in rural areas along the reach of the gage will occur. |
Historical Crests |
Low Water Records |
1) 30.80 ft on 12/01/1937
2) 30.00 ft on 02/28/1940
3) 27.00 ft on 12/23/1964
4) 26.23 ft on 01/09/1995
5) 26.16 ft on 12/22/1955
6) 25.81 ft on 02/17/1986
7) 25.45 ft on 01/21/1943
8) 24.62 ft on 01/16/1974
9) 24.61 ft on 01/01/1997
10) 24.18 ft on 01/26/1983
Historical low water information is not available.
Data provided by NOAA Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service