Flood Impacts |
33.5 | This is the record flood level reached on September 25, 1993. Flood waters reach the ground floor of some homes on the east side of town. |
31.0 | Major flooding begins at the gage site, and flood waters begin to impact some residences of Galena. |
25.0 | Moderate flooding begins at the gage site. |
21.0 | Flood waters from the James River begin to backup at the Shoals Resort Canoe and Motel area, and cause Railey Creek Bridge on Highway 13, to become flooded. |
17.5 | Flood waters reach the second window level of the restroom at the James River Outfitters Canoe Park area. |
15.0 | Flood waters begin to impact Shoal Canoe Rental and Motel, one mile south of the gage site. In addition, Railey Creek at the rental and motel area, begins to backwater along James River. |
11.0 | Flood waters begin to impact the James River Outfitter park on the northeast side of Galena, and the boat access and parking areas, or the Ralph Cox Memorial Access area north of the old bridge. |