Critical Stages |
30' -Action |
32' -Flood |
37' -Moderate Flood |
43' -Major Flood |
Forecast not available for this location. |
Observation history unavailable for thie location. |
Flood Impacts |
45.0 | Approximate level at which Cooper Nuclear Station will shut down the plant. |
43.0 | Most of the federal levees in the area will overtop. |
39.5 | State Highway 136 on the Missouri side and the access road to the power plant begin flooding. |
38.0 | Approximate level at which Cooper Nuclear Power Plant begins flooding preparations. |
32.0 | Lowlands on both banks begin to flood. |
Historical Crests |
Low Water Records |
1) 44.30 ft on 07/24/1993
2) 41.20 ft on 06/15/1984
3) 40.70 ft on 04/17/1952
4) 39.70 ft on 06/25/1996
5) 38.95 ft on 10/12/1973
6) 37.95 ft on 03/22/1978
7) 37.00 ft on 06/19/1967
7) 37.00 ft on 07/19/1996
7) 37.00 ft on 08/08/1996
10) 36.80 ft on 07/02/1983
1) 15.70 ft on 02/06/1989
2) 17.20 ft on 01/11/1989
Data provided by NOAA Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service